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 ANTHRAX Drummer Selling Autograph For $40 ...

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

ANTHRAX Drummer Selling Autograph For $40 ... Empty
MessageSujet: ANTHRAX Drummer Selling Autograph For $40 ...   ANTHRAX Drummer Selling Autograph For $40 ... EmptySam 3 Mai - 2:27

ANTHRAX Drummer Selling Autograph For $40 ... You Get A Mug Too!

ANTHRAX Drummer Selling Autograph For $40 ... T88716 ANTHRAX drummer Charlie Benante is offering up signed copies of the 16 oz. Charlie Benante Coffee Mug for $39.99 US!
Says Charlie: "Each autographed mug has a handwritten note from me. For example "Drink Up" or "mmmmmmm good" This is the same style mug that I drink my morning, afternoon and evening coffee from. It’s a tall, heavy mug with a full handle. The autographed cups are limited, we have unsigned cups as well. Just Like Krusty brand products - the ink is permanent but washing it may cause the ink to come off."

To order the mug (WITHOUT coffee of course) click here
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ANTHRAX Drummer Selling Autograph For $40 ...
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