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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: HELLOWEEN   HELLOWEEN EmptyDim 4 Mai - 14:17

HELLOWEEN Cancel Guadalajara, Chihuahua Live Dates Due To Illness


German power metallers HELLOWEEN have been forced to cancel their Hellish Rock Mexican shows in Guadalajara (tomorrow, May 4th) and Chihuahua (May 5th) due to an acute inflammation of singer Andi Deris' vocal chords.

Andi Deris: “I am deeply sorry for the fans in Guadalajara and Chihuahua, but we had no choice. After having problems in San Salvador I went straight to a specialist who diagnosed an acute inflammation of my vocals chords. In order to prevent serious damage on my voice, the doc strongly instructed me to let my voice rest for a few days, and we sadly followed his advice. We will try to re-schedule these two shows as soon as possible.”

These are the first cancelled shows during the current Hellish Rock Tour, which started last November and went through Europe, South East Asia, Australia and Latin America, where Helloween played around 70 shows. Tickets can be refunded at point of purchase.
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