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 ANVIL Frontman Lips

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: ANVIL Frontman Lips   ANVIL Frontman Lips EmptyLun 19 Mai - 0:09

ANVIL Frontman Lips - "I Want To Be The Biggest Bar Band In The World And Work Endlessly"

ANVIL Frontman Lips 89746

ANVIL! The Story of Anvil has been chosen as the centerpiece of the Los Angeles Film Festival next month. And the film and band land in Brooklyn on May 31st, as part of the Sundance Institute at BAM (Brooklyn Academy Of Music) series. The premiere will be followed by a live concert with Anvil in BAMcafe.

Money was never Anvil’s motivation. “I can’t envision myself being a millionaire,” frontman Steve "Lips" Kudlow told recently. "But I can envision myself going to a gig every night and making enough money to make ends meet. I want to be the biggest bar band in the world and work endlessly.”

To read more of this story head here.
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