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 Classic Rock Magazine Celebrating 35 Years Of KISS

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Classic Rock Magazine Celebrating 35 Years Of KISS   Classic Rock Magazine Celebrating 35 Years Of KISS EmptySam 24 Mai - 11:48

Classic Rock Magazine Celebrating 35 Years Of KISS

Classic Rock Magazine Celebrating 35 Years Of KISS 90131

Classic Rock Magazine is celebrating KISS' 35th Anniversary Tour with 5 different limited edition covers of their July issue. Four separate individual covers featuring Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley, Tommy Thayer and Eric Singer are exclusively available in the US market. The KISS group photo cover (pictured in the middle) is available throughout the rest of the world.
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Classic Rock Magazine Celebrating 35 Years Of KISS
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