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 ANATHEMA Perform Unplugged In Romania; Photos

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

ANATHEMA Perform Unplugged In Romania; Photos Empty
MessageSujet: ANATHEMA Perform Unplugged In Romania; Photos   ANATHEMA Perform Unplugged In Romania; Photos EmptyDim 25 Mai - 2:23

ANATHEMA Perform Unplugged In Romania; Photos Available

ANATHEMA Perform Unplugged In Romania; Photos T90170 A photo gallery from ANATHEMA's unplugged show in Bucharest, Romania on May 24th can be seen here. The show was sold out and the UK band played in front of almost 700 people.
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ANATHEMA Perform Unplugged In Romania; Photos
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