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 AREA51 Guitarist / Founder - "YNGWIE MALMSTEEN "

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

AREA51 Guitarist / Founder - "YNGWIE MALMSTEEN " Empty
MessageSujet: AREA51 Guitarist / Founder - "YNGWIE MALMSTEEN "   AREA51 Guitarist / Founder - "YNGWIE MALMSTEEN " EmptyDim 25 Mai - 12:42

AREA51 Guitarist / Founder - "YNGWIE MALMSTEEN Was My Very First Encounter With Metal; Everything About Him Had A Very Strong Impact On Me"

AREA51 Guitarist / Founder - "YNGWIE MALMSTEEN " 90178

BW&BK recently caught up with Japan's AREA51 guitarist/founder Yoichiro Ishino to dicuss the band's history and their new album, Daemonicus, which features a guest appearance by vocalist Rob Rock. The following is an excerpt from th einterview:

Q: People naturally assume you were influenced by Yngwie Malmsteen with regards to your neo-classical style of playing, but were there any others? Your songwriting style isn’t the typical neo-classical style associated with the Swede...

Ishino: "Yngwie was my very first encounter with metal. Everything about him had a very strong impact on me, so there was a definite influence for sure. Also, IMPELLITTERI and STRATOVARIUS have both influenced me, as much as Yngwie did. Impellitteri really inspired me in how to structure guitar solos, harmonies, rhythm guitar, so I think I learned more as a guitar player. Stratovarius, on the other hand, influenced me more on the songwriting side, and how a band should sound. There are many other influences, but I’d also like to mention SYMPHONY X, RHAPSODY OF FIRE and Vitalij Kuprij (keyboardist) just to name a few. As for Japanese bands, definitely X JAPAN. I’ve been a fan long before I even started playing any musical instrument. They’re a huge influence on us."

Q: How did you get Rob Rock involved on daemonicus? Was he a fan of Area51 before he agreed to record vocals for the album?

Ishino: "I was a huge fan of Impellitteri, especially with Rob Rock, ever since I was a high school student. That’s why I contacted him with the idea of singing on our album. At first I really wasn’t expecting that he would accept to sing for us, but after listening to some of our music, he told us 'This is great! I would love to!” I think it was the first time he did a duet with a female singer, and of course collaborating with Japanese lyrics at all, for that matter. It seems he really enjoyed the challenge, which made the experience absolutely wonderful for me, too."

Watch for the complete interview, coming soon.

Daemonicus was released in Japan on March 5th and is now available via iTunes stores worldwide.
The album tracklisting:
'Les Anges',
'Venus - Croix Eternelle',
'Close To... You And Me',
'Just Like A Prayer',
'Lord Knows' (featuring Rob Rock).

Go to this location for audio samples.
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AREA51 Guitarist / Founder - "YNGWIE MALMSTEEN "
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