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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: ADAGIO   ADAGIO EmptyLun 28 Aoû - 21:56


Le guitariste Stephan Forté a écrit les morceaux du quatrième album d'ADAGIO , intitulé "Archangels in Black". L'album comportera neuf morceaux plus un morceau de bonus pour le Japon. Selon le groupe, les compositions sont « l'équilibre entre le métal mélodique et extrême et peuvent être considérées comme une vision plus brutale « d'Underworld ». » Les sessions d'enregistrement commenceront en octobre pour une sortie debut 2007 .

ADAGIO est sorti de son dernier album, " Dominate ",en Amérique du Nord et Europe (hormis en France) en juillet chez Locomotive Music. Le — de CD qui a été publié au Japon en décembre par l'intermédiaire d'Avalon/Marquee et en France en mars par Double Vision (via Sony/BMG) a été produit par Stephan Forté et Kevin Codfert, et a été mixé au House Audio Studios en Allemagne par Dennis Ward.
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Nombre de messages : 6
Age : 50
Date d'inscription : 30/08/2006

MessageSujet: Re: ADAGIO   ADAGIO EmptySam 2 Sep - 1:27

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: ADAGIO   ADAGIO EmptySam 2 Sep - 2:19

merciiiiiiiiiii .... super.... I love you
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: ADAGIO   ADAGIO EmptyLun 10 Sep - 22:36

quelques news du groupe

l'ex OUTWORLD Kelly Sundown Carpenter va chanter pour le groupe pendant 3 dates au Japon en ouverture de KORPIKLAANI:

Sep. 12 - Tokyo, Japan - Club Quattro
Sep. 13 - Nagoya, Japan - Club Quattro
Sep. 14 - Osaka, Japan - Club Quattro

Pas de précision par rapport au statut du chanteur officiel du groupe, le brésilien Gus Monsanto, qui est dans le groupe depuis 2004 en remplacement de David Readman (PINK CREAM 69),

Par ailleurs le groupe est récemment entré en studio pour enregistrer "Archangels in Black". Les premiers titres :
"Archangels in Black", "Undead", "The Fear Circus" and "Twilight At Dawn"

Commented guitarist Stephan Forté: "This album is a sort of tribute to dark arts, including horror movies and gothic literature. It's our own musical representation of what darkness is. I think the song 'Archangels in Black' would be a cool hymn for all those of us who enjoy sinister arts."

et en attendant autant se ré écouter le titre dominate avec la video promo :
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: ADAGIO   ADAGIO EmptyMar 13 Nov - 0:46

qques news de la part du chanteur, Gus, de retour au Brésil, qui s'occupe de la prod de SKYRION, un nouveau groupe heavy metal, qui s'aprete à sortir un CD avec the LIGHTSEEKERS, (voir topic nouveau groupe)en attendant le nouveau Adagio : Archangels in Black

les titres précédents en écoute sur sa page :

ADAGIO frontman Gus Monsanto has issued the following update:

"After a great summer with many shows with ADAGIO that came to a great ending with the KAMELOT tour, I am back home in Brazil.

"There's some really cool stuff lined up. I will be reuniting my old hard rock band Angel Heart on November 17 in Petropolis (Rio de Janeiro). We will have some very special guests, such as Renato Tribuzy (TRIBUZY) and Bruno Sutter (MASSACRATION). I will also be teaming up with Kiko Loureiro, ANGRA's guitar player, for a workshop on November 20, also in Petropolis.

"Right now, I am finishing the production of a new heavy metal band's debut CD, SKYRION 'Beyond Creation', which is probably coming out in 2008.

"The LIGHTSEEKERS CD is coming out soon, but the first video is availiable [below].

"Stay tuned for more news about the new ADAGIO CD, 'Archangels in Black', and my new projects.

"Besides being endorsed by the mighty LAG Guitars and Shure Microphones, now I wear the products of Lady Snake Rock Wear."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: ADAGIO   ADAGIO EmptyDim 13 Avr - 22:09

Gus abandonne le groupe, voici le point par Stéphan Forté :

As some of you may already know, Gus is no longer part of the band since last week.

It has been a very difficult decision to take for both parts, but we think it was definitely the best thing to do for both of us. I will not give any details about the reasons as I think it only concerns Gus and the band, but you can be sure that we are still friends and that it has been done amicably.

We have spent great moments together during those past four years and we wish him a lot of success with his career.

This affects in no way the future of Adagio as we are currently in studio,(just finished the bass recordings yesterday Wink)).

The name of the new vocalist will be announced in the coming days, I can only say he’s finnish and that he seriously kicks ass !!!
Drums recordings will start this Monday (April 14th) and of course we will post some pics and videos from the studio very soon.

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: ADAGIO   ADAGIO EmptyDim 20 Avr - 22:39

ADAGIO Enlist New Singer

ADAGIO 87813

French progressive metallers ADAGIO have announce that Finnish singer Christian Palin is now officially the new singer of Adagio. The band is currently in the studio.

Guitarist Stéphan Forté comments: "We are all very glad to have Chris now on board, he is an incredible vocalist and an awesome ball of energy. We have already started to work together one month ago, and we will start the vocals recording on April 24th. Drums, bass and guitars are finished, and we expect the CD to be totally done, mixed and mastered, for May 20th. So far the guitar sound is incredibly heavy, and we feel that Archangels In Black is about to be a fuckin' heavy album!!!"
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: ADAGIO   ADAGIO EmptyDim 11 Mai - 19:18

ADAGIO Issue Studio Update

French progressive metallers ADAGIO - who recently announced the addition of Finnish singer Christian Palin - have issued the following studio update:

"Bass, guitars, drums and vocals lines are recorded. Stephan (Forté - guitar) is executing a gorgeous work on the orchestrations and guitar solos should be done next week. At the same time, Kevin (Codfert) is recording his keyboards solos and pianos parts in his studio. Both of them will begin the mix very soon (next week).

The name of the European label will be announced in the upcoming weeks and a French Headline Tour is already in talks for November 2008.

Before this tour, some gigs have already been confirmed:

June 21: Reunion Island (close to Madagascar) plus Stephan and Eric's (Lebailly - drums) Masterclass.

July 3: Castle Festival in Serbia

July 25 : Blue Bitch (Beach Festival in Châteauneuf les Martigues (close to Marseille).

And last but not least, on June 10th, the band will start shooting the first Adagio clip for the song 'Fear Circus', one of the major song of the upcoming Archangels In Black album."
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