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 AHAB Seeking Assistance ....

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

AHAB Seeking Assistance .... Empty
MessageSujet: AHAB Seeking Assistance ....   AHAB Seeking Assistance .... EmptyMer 4 Juin - 11:53

AHAB Seeking Assistance For Creating Professional Animated Video

AHAB Seeking Assistance .... T90830 Picture by Carl Begai

German nautic doom metal act AHAB have issued the following update:

"Ahoy seamen and - girls,

Ahab is just about to write more and more stuff for the next coming album. At the moment we're looking for film students or people who can do professional animated videos. The problem is, we do not have any budget for this. So, if you feel like doing a video for us, feel free to contact the captain and we can talk about that. Also, if you know someone that could be interested in doing this: tell him of us.

You can contact Chris Hector

If it feels like you're the one to do a video for the next album, we could send you one of the finished songs beforehand. Thanx in advance!

This was the captain speaking!"

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