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 CRYSTAL TEARS Return From The Studio

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

CRYSTAL TEARS Return From The Studio Empty
MessageSujet: CRYSTAL TEARS Return From The Studio   CRYSTAL TEARS Return From The Studio EmptyVen 13 Juin - 1:17

CRYSTAL TEARS Return From The Studio - "An Experience Superb!"

Thessaloniki, Greece-based power metallers CRYSTAL TEARS have issued the following studio report from their time spent at Music Factory studio in Kempten, Germany from May 12th-21st:

"An experience superb! A clean studio with all comforts and two helpful and caring people. Both producer (R. D. Liapakis; MYSTIC PROPHECY) and sound engineer (C. Schmid) pushed us really hard, but we really liked it. Everything was being done very carefully to the slightest detail, tuning, frequencies, performance. Song re-arrangements occurred too. All we could have in mind those days were the click and the word 'tight'. We didn't have the chance to get to know a little bit more of Germany (apart from the vast variety of beers and sausages...), due to strict time schedule. For two weeks, what we had to do each day was wake up, have a coffee, start recording, getting done by afternoon, have lunch, take a shower, watch TV and get to sleep. Dedication and co-operation were the keys. The band's work is done here. We left our music to people we trust. Now, let's just hope for best results!"

Crystal Tears have joined forces with IAN PARRY (ELEGY, CONSORTIUM), who was invited to write the lyrics and vocal melody lines as a guest vocalist on the new CD.
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