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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Power-Quest Empty
MessageSujet: Power-Quest   Power-Quest EmptyMer 18 Juin - 13:22

Hello Power Metallers,

As promised in our last email here comes the big news:

Former Cellador and current Coldera guitarist Bill Hudson has been recruited into the Power Quest ranks and is set to form an incredible twin guitar partnership with Andrea Martongelli.

“Before our European tour 2007 we were sure we needed a 2nd guitar to have a fuller sound on stage. Alessio did a great job, but at the same time had to cut back on his great performance as singer and front man.” Steve Williams comments. “I’m absolutely ecstatic with this news! I’ve been good friends with Bill for a couple of years now and we have often talked about working together in some shape or form and now we have the perfect opportunity to do just that. As well as being a fantastic guitarist, Bill is also a great songwriter too which means this is going to benefit the band on a number of levels. Welcome aboard brother!”

Bill adds: “We've always talked about doing something together at some point, but the closest we've got to it was my guest solo (in the song The Vigil) on the new record. When I left Cellador, I had no idea I would end up being in Power Quest. So I'm really excited about it, as it's a great band, my style will fit right in and they have one of the best guitarists in current metal, Andrea Martongelli. It'll be a pleasure to be the other 50% of this killer guitar duo! I look forward to meeting the fans during the Master of Illusion tour!"

We are currently booking a UK tour for later this year, so stayed tuned and watch this space!

Have a rocking week!


Power Quest Headquarters
....the Quest must go on
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