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Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: SILENTIUM   SILENTIUM EmptyVen 27 Juin - 13:53

SILENTIUM Issue Studio Update

SILENTIUM has issued a following update on their official website:

"After a while of silence the band has retired to a studio in Central Finland. At this point the drums, the bass and most of the guitars have been recorded. Some of the vocals have been recorded as well, although Riina (Rinkinen) and Matti (Aikio - bass, vocals) are due to return to the studio in July. The band has some major surprises reserved for their loyal fans, who have been more than patient in the wait for the new album. All the Silentians agree that the new material is the most impressive up to date! Prepare yourselves for a massive music experience. This fall, Silentium will be back, more powerful than ever!"
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