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 METALLICA, BEATLES Just Yet For Guitar Hero

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

METALLICA, BEATLES Just Yet For Guitar Hero Empty
MessageSujet: METALLICA, BEATLES Just Yet For Guitar Hero   METALLICA, BEATLES Just Yet For Guitar Hero EmptyMar 8 Juil - 0:23

No METALLICA, BEATLES Just Yet For Guitar Hero

METALLICA, BEATLES Just Yet For Guitar Hero T92788 has issued the following report from Antony Bruno:

Although rumors continue to buzz, METALLICA and THE BEATLES aren't headed to the "Guitar Hero" franchise just yet, according to Kai and Charles Huang, the sibling founder of game publisher RedOctane.

Speculation abounds that Metallica will be the next band featured in their own version of "Guitar Hero," much like the just-released recent AEROSMITH-centric game.

"We're not ready to comment about Metallica yet, but what I will say is that we'd love to work with all of the top rock bands of all time, whether it's Aerosmith or Metallica or AC/DC or Led Zeppelin," Kai Huang tells Billboard. "If we get an opportunity to work with those bands, we would love to do that."

Read the full report at
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