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 GMT - new album

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: GMT - new album   GMT - new album EmptyMar 8 Juil - 0:32

GMT - Punko Rocco EP Picture Disc Available

GMT - new album 92801

Prior to the band's forthcoming second album entitled Evil Twin, GMT - featuring guitar legend Bernie Torme (ex-OZZY OSBOURNE, IAN GILLAN, DESPERADO), singer John McCoy: (ex-Gillan, MAMMOTH, SAMPSON, JOEY BELLADONNA, ATOMIC ROOSTER) and drummer Robin Guy (ex-BRUCE DICKINSON, FAITH NO MORE) - have released a new EP.

Entitled Punko Rocco EP, the release features two brand new tracks, 'Punko Rocco' and 'Wheel Of Fortune', plus a live version of 'Wild West'.

Now, the band have announced that a limited edition picture disc version of the title is available. Full details and ordering info here.

Says the band, "Grab one while you can. After these are gone the EP will only be available as download."
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