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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: TEXTURES -   TEXTURES - EmptyMar 8 Juil - 22:57

TEXTURES - US/Canada Release Date Announce For Silhouettes

TEXTURES - 92857

Dutch math-metal maestros TEXTURES have issued the following update:

"We are excited to announce that our latest album Silhouettes will finally see its US and Canada release on September 30th through Listenable/Koch.

So, you'll finally be able to find it at your local record store, which means no more expensive imports! Meanwhile you can order always order it directly through our webshop.

Furthermore there's a chance we'll be finally coming over to tour the US first quarter of 2009!"

Silhouettes entered the Dutch album chart at #100 recently, the band's first album chart entry ever.

Silhouettes features the following tracklisting:
'Old Days Born Anew',
'The Sun's Architect',
'Laments Of An Icarus',
'One Eye For A Thousand',
'State Of Disobedience',
'Storm Warning',
'To Erase A Lifetime'.

The album was recorded and mastered at Split Second Sound by Jochem Jacobs (Textures guitarist) and the artwork was created by Eric Kalsbeek (Textures vocalist), staying close to their Do It Yourself ethics.
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