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 ANVIL's Perth Metal Meltdown Gig

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

ANVIL's Perth Metal Meltdown Gig Empty
MessageSujet: ANVIL's Perth Metal Meltdown Gig   ANVIL's Perth Metal Meltdown Gig EmptyLun 14 Juil - 22:11

ANVIL's Perth Metal Meltdown Gig Sold Out!

ANVIL's Perth Metal Meltdown Gig 93220

As previously reported, Canuck legends ANVIL are headlining the Perth Metal Meltdown which is scheduled for Friday July 18th at the Royal Canadian Legion in Perth, Ontario (83 km south-west of Ottawa). Other acts on the bill include: JOE THRASHER, AGGRESSOR, DRILLPOINT, RITUAL, ENDEMISE, EPOCHOLYPSE.

Organizers check in with the following update:

"Just want to inform you that all tickets for The Perth Metal Meltdown 2008 are sold. The show is completly sold out, with absolutely no tickets at the door. It is an all ages show.

Thanks to everyone who bought tickets and supported us. Next year will be even bigger and better.

Doors open at 4:40 PM, show starts at 5:15 PM."
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ANVIL's Perth Metal Meltdown Gig
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