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 Oklahoma 2008

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Oklahoma  2008 Empty
MessageSujet: Oklahoma 2008   Oklahoma  2008 EmptyMer 16 Juil - 22:55

ça a été aussi rude pour Mass en Oklahoma :

This from the guys in Mass: "Hey All! Just an FYI that I am sending out to everyone who has written me over the past few days who were very concerned with our well being and to all the others I think that would like to know as well! As you all may have heard both huge side stages totally collapsed around 5:00 PM Saturday July 12 due to a mini tornado that hit Pryor, Oklahoma!
Mass had just arrived at the festival at 5:30 PM to get ready for our scheduled 9:15 PM performance that evening! To our astonishment we viewed the huge collapsed stages and the eerie twisted metal! It's simply a miracle that no one was killed or severely injured! All side stage bands were canceled that night! It was truly a surreal scene my friends!
We did perform the next night Sunday at 10:25 PM after Tesla and before Queensryche on a center make shift stage that the event organizers had quickly put up for Mass, Bullet boys, Ron Keel, etc... We could have packed it in and left like some of the other acts did when the stages, lighting, recording equipment, etc all came tumbling down.
But we felt we owed it to the many unbelievable Mass fans who turned up from all around the world and who have been waiting to see us for a very long time. They were not disappointed but truly grateful that we had remained and Rocked there faces off as well! Before and after our show we never stopped signing autographs and taking photos with our fans!
I will try and post some pics soon but I believe you may see some on other sites as well sooner. Rocklahoma and Retrospect Records did make it very clear to us that they will be flying us out back again next year for 2009!
Talk to you all soon, Louis."
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