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 Sweden Rock Cruise 2009

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Sweden Rock Cruise 2009 Empty
MessageSujet: Sweden Rock Cruise 2009   Sweden Rock Cruise 2009 EmptyMer 6 Aoû - 0:42

Sweden Rock Cruise 2009 94457

DISMEMBER, EVERGREY Confirmed For 2009 Sweden Rock Cruise

DISMEMBER and EVERGREY are the first two acts confirmed for the 2009 Sweden Rock Cruise, which will be held aboard the "new, larger and more luxurious ship Silja Galaxy".

Five bands in total, plus hard rock DJs will perform on the cruise. On board are tax-free shops, restaurants, pool, sauna, casino and games room, among many other things.

The cruise launches from Värtan in Stockholm, Sweden on March 27th, 2009.

Further details here.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Sweden Rock Cruise 2009 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sweden Rock Cruise 2009   Sweden Rock Cruise 2009 EmptyMer 21 Jan - 20:39

>Sweden Rock Cruise 2009 Head</TD></TR>

The Sweden Rock Cruise
Stockholm-Turku 2-3 April 2009

Entombed and Witchcraft are now confirmed for the Sweden Rock Cruise, departing from Stockholm on April 2nd. Grave Digger and Dream Evil will also be playing, and another two bands will be announced soon.

Tickets were released in December and pricing starts at 495 SEK per person including space in a cabin. The ship departs from Stockholm at 19.15 on April 2nd and arrives back in Stockholm at around 18.15 April 3rd. The ship is the M/S Silja Galaxy, which holds more than 2000 passengers, was built in 2006 and is 212 meters long and 12 stories high. The ship holds several bars and restaurants, tax free shops, pool, sauna, gaming room and lots more.

For booking, you can visit the Tallink Silja website (which is in Swedish only, sorry!)

You can also book by telephone by calling Tallink Silja at +46 8 666 3333.

Please reserve your tickets in time – all six previous Sweden Rock Cruises have been sold out!

Bands confirmed so far:

Grave DiggerHeavy metal doesn´t get more real than when German veterans Grave Digger play it. After a promising start in 1984 with the immortal “Heavy Metal Breakdown” and two more LP’s, their career fizzled out. In 1993 however, grunter/frontman Chris Boltendahl made a glorious comeback with “The Reaper” and a mission to teach the world how true heavy metal should sound. Since then, the group has released brilliant heavy metal albums such as “The Heart of Darkness”, “Tunes of War”, “Knights of the Cross” and “The Grave Digger”. Their visits to Sweden have been few and far between, but now the wait is over! Todays line-up also comprises Boltendahls long-time band mate and drummer Stefan Arnold as well as keyboard player HP Katzenburg, former Running Wild bass player Jens Becker, guitar wiz Manni Schmidt (ex- Rage) and second guitarist Thilo Hermann, also of Running Wild fame.

They made the Stockholm scene one of the most important in metal with death metal classics “Left Hand Path” and “Clandestine”, invented death n’ roll with “Wolverine Blues” and “DCLXVI – To Ride, Shoot Straight and Speak the Truth” and made one of the best albums of 2007 with “Serpent Saints – The Ten Amendments”. In between, Entombed have released countless albums, singles and EP’s, toured endlessly around the world and even played in a ballet at the Royal Opera in Stockholm. Unleashed and Dismember have already graced the Sweden Rock Cruise with their participation. Now it is time for the third, and perhaps most classic Stockholm death metal band to come onboard!

Dream Evil
Many were confused when Dream Evil released their first album in 2002. Could a band this side of the millennium with an album title such as “Dragonslayer” and cover art picturing a sword swinging medieval warrior really be serious? Well, as it turned out they weren´t. Not really, anyway. Lyrics like ”Don´t need no flashy house, no kids no ugly wife/The only thing I want is what my parents don´t” have their tounges placed firmly in their cheeks. The music, on the other hand, is very serious indeed and as well composed, played and produced as it gets. As icing on this melodic metal cake, the band features the extraordinary vocal talents of one Niklas Isfeldt.


Witchcraft, founded in the Swedish town Örebro in 2000, have pushed the international press into a frenzy of namedropping of artists like Roky Erickson, Black Sabbath, Pentagram and Jethro Tull. But although the quartets music sounds as if both written and recorded in the early 70’s, they reach far beyond any hype or retro trend. Witchcraft are simply brilliant. But please, don´t trust us – listen yourself:
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