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 HAMMERFALL Guitarist Oscar Dronjak Interviewed

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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HAMMERFALL Guitarist Oscar Dronjak Interviewed By KISS Fan Site

HAMMERFALL Guitarist Oscar Dronjak Interviewed T94907 KISS fan site KISS On Fire has issued an exclusive interview with HAMMERFALL guitarist Oscar Dronjak.

In the interview Oscar talks about his devotion for KISS and the background for Hammerfall recording a cover of 'Detroit Rock City' and much more. The following is an excerpt:

Q: Who is your favorite KISS member?

A: "I have to say Ace. He is the reason I started playing the guitar. It's not like I wanted to be him but he woke my interest for playing the guitar. It's also hard not to have Gene as a favorite, he is so impressive on stage. I have actually done two shows wearing Gene make-up. I also like Vinnie Vincent a lot, he is so underestimated. But overall Ace is my favorite. Without him, I would never have started to play the guitar. Wolf Hoffman of ACCEPT is the ultimate guitar player in my opinion but Ace is so unique and special."

Q: Which KISS album is your favorite?

A: "That's Revenge. I have given this a lot of thought and I have come to the conclusion that no KISS album is better than Revenge. It's so complete all the way from the first song until the last one. The only album that could compete with Revenge is Lick It Up."

Read the full interview at KISS On Fire.
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