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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006


THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN Issue Extensive Update - "The End Of The Road...."

THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN have issued the following update:

The End Of The Road.... a pretty good song by BOYS 2 MEN. One of those songs that when it comes on, by the end everyone is singing along. It's also a very weird feeling that comes along at the end of an album touring cycle, when you've been on the road for almost a year straight, and you reach the end of it for a while. It's like driving a car at 150mph the whole time then coming to a stop. When you are travelling the world with the same nine people in various forms of transportation, all for a single cause, you don't stop to realize how great it all is until you're done for a while, and how much that whole lifestyle and all of those people have become a part of yourself. We turned ourselves into machines, that play through injuries and violently exorcise rock and roll demons on a nightly basis. What a strange feeling it is to know that we don't have any shows booked at all and that we'll be home for a bit. Like a soldier with no more war to fight. Kinda like Rambo at the end of First Blood. So if you see any of us backpacking through your town mumbling about what time the show starts or yelling at random people to "start the intro", just look the other way. I guess what's weird about it, is that for us the road had become home. We left to record Ire Works in June of 2007, and never really stopped after that. Now we're looking at the first substantial block of time off the road, and it's time to shift gears a bit. Which brings us to our first order of business:

Some of you may have seen October tour dates posted for a tour we were to take part in. Due to circumstances beyond our control (no we're not breaking up so don't believe anything that might start floating around on the internet) we will not be taking part in that tour. We wish every other band on the tour well, and hope that it is a great success for them and for the people behind the scenes working hard to make it a great tour.

We have a lot of exciting things happening. The best of which is writing for the next album, which we'll record sometime next year. We have a good amount of ideas in the initial testing stages, and we're about to really dive in. We also have a DVD of early years Dillinger in the works for all you old heads or people interested in a history lesson, and we're still gonna be cranking out these limited Ire Works shirts 'til we reach the end of the song list. Party Smasher and 82588 are coming up, wait 'til you see how ridiculous they are. I know that you'll all be stoked on them. I may have to break my rule of not wearing my own band's shirts. Hopefully Lars won't sue us over the 82588 design....(hint hint)

We had a lot of great shows on the US run, we were totally shocked at the amount of people who showed up to see us at the Cavalera shows. Thank you all so much. We had a lot of fun and it was great to see you all. Chain Reaction? Los Angeles House Of Blues? Two shows that will definitely not be forgotten.

Remember when we posted Jeff's number online and you all called saying 'Bitch, I'm The Boss'....well if you still have Jeff Tuttle's phone number, you may now wanna call him up and say 'Bitch, You Are Definitely No Longer The Boss', because he just got engaged. Domestication better not sap your ability to unleash the fury, boy. Please stay the boss Jeff. Wear them pants son! Wear 'em!

You should all probably go see Tropic Thunder. Absolutely ridiculous. Not since Soul Man has anyone turned in a performance like Robert Downey Jr did in that movie. Utterly absurd. I've never been in a theater where there were so many people uncomfortably trying to not laugh at some of the un-PC parts in that movie. Lighten up folks, it's called comedy.

Ben played a crazy avant garde set last night at John Zorn's club the Stone two night's ago with Trevor Dunn. It was filmed, we'll get some stuff up soon. He's got a lot of other cool stuff going on too like programming work with Ephel Duath and who knows what else he's into. Head over to his page at
every now and then and maybe he'll fill you in on those things before I do.

SPYLACOPA, the project with me and John LaMacchia of CANDIRIA fame, that has been slowly materializing in the background for years now, is finally seeing the light of day. Our first EP, with guest appearances from Julie Christmas of MADE OUT OF BABIES/BATTLE OF MICE fame and Jeff Caxide from Isis, is gonna come out on November 4th. More info on the release and the project as a whole will be forthcoming, keep up to date on that over at

Don't worry, we'll definitely still play some shows while we're writing the new album. We'll get another US run in at some point as well as another UK run and some off the beaten path places like Mexico and South America. We'll let you know. Stay tuned to this site for whatever may come...

Or you can always go to our unofficial news page, and the kid who runs that will probably know about anything pertaining to our lives before any of us do. I don't bother making decisions in my life at all anymore, I just check that site and find out what happens. I go there, and it'll say something like "Greg Puciato ate rice krispies for breakfast today", and it'll somehow be before I actually even ate breakfast, but the fact is that I actually was thinking of eating rice krispies. Then I do, thus fulfilling the prophecy. It's a little weird. There's probably news up about this blog even though I haven't posted it yet.

Here's some new footage below from tour. Check it out if you're into Brent from MASTODON and homosexual zombies(very closely related). We love you all...Asian Steve doesn't though. He hates everyone. Go here and tell him to have a coke and a smile every now and then.

-The Dillinger Escape Plan

Check out an interview that BW&BK's David Perri conducted with vocalist Greg Puciato, at this location.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: MOTÖRHEAD Frontman Featured In Audio Interview   THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN EmptySam 16 Aoû - 16:05

MOTÖRHEAD Frontman Featured In Audio Interview With Indie 103.1 FM's Full Metal Jackie

MOTÖRHEAD frontman Lemmy Kilmister is featured in an audio interview on Indie 103.1 FM's program Chaos with Full Metal Jackie. Conducted on August 3rd, it is now available at this location.

As previously reported, Rolling Stone recently conducted a Q&A with Kilmister. An excerpt from the session follows:

Q: Motörizer is Motörhead's 20th studio album. Did you ever think the group would last this long?

Lemmy: "We never had any plan of any kind, really. A lot of people didn't think we would last this long. You don't think like that when you're starting a band — you're just starting a band to see what happens. It's very gratifying to still be around."

Q: What's the biggest difference between writing and recording albums now than when the group did Overkill or Ace of Spades?

Lemmy: "It's like another planet, isn't it? People thought different, people looked different, people did things differently, people philosophized differently about their fate. It was just different. And hasn't changed for the better, y'know? [laughs] Ain't it funny, how things never seem to change for the better? They improve things, and they're always worse!"

Q: How would you compare Motörhead audiences today to 30 years ago?

Lemmy: "They're the same. They're kind of younger now, but we get three generations at our shows. It proves that we were doing it right. We get 13 or 14 year olds at the non-liquor gigs, it's great."

Read more here.
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