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 CROWBAR, EYEHATEGOD - 20th Anniversary Show

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: CROWBAR, EYEHATEGOD - 20th Anniversary Show   CROWBAR, EYEHATEGOD - 20th Anniversary Show EmptyDim 17 Aoû - 12:20

CROWBAR, EYEHATEGOD - 20th Anniversary Show Flyer Revealed

CROWBAR, EYEHATEGOD - 20th Anniversary Show 95125

As previously reported, New Orleans, Louisiana metal pioneers CROWBAR, EYEHATEGOD will be teaming up for a 20th anniversary show at One Eyed Jack's (615 Toulose) on August 29th. This co-headlining show will also feature HELLKONTROL as opening act. The two bands haven't played together since 2000. Click photo to view a new flyer. Tickets are $13 and available at here.
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CROWBAR, EYEHATEGOD - 20th Anniversary Show
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