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 F5 - 'The Reckoning' Video Available

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: F5 - 'The Reckoning' Video Available   F5 - 'The Reckoning' Video Available EmptyDim 7 Sep - 12:52

F5 - 'The Reckoning' Video Available

F5 - 'The Reckoning' Video Available 96266
F5 - the Phoenix-based band featuring former MEGADETH bassist David Ellefson, ex-SICK SPEED vocalist Dale Steele, guitarists Steve Conley and John Davis, and ex-Megadeth drummer Jimmy DeGrasso - have released their new video for the song 'The Reckoning' - click below to view.

The song is the title track to the band's new album, The Reckoning', which was released on August 19th via OarFin Distribution.

The Reckoning (artwork at left) features the following tracklisting:
'No Excuse',
'I Am The Taker',
'The Reckoning',
'My End',
'Love Is Dead',
'Through Hell',
'Rank And File',
'Wake Up',
'Cause For Concern',
'Final Hour'.

BW&BK recently caught up with Ellefson to discuss the band's new album, The Reckoning. The following is an excerpt from the interview. The entrance of former Megadeth bandmate / drummer Jimmy DeGrasso is considered by many to be the catalyst for F5’s heavier direction.

“I think it did have an affect on us,” Ellefson agrees. “Fundamentally the music was well on its way, so when Jimmy came in he was the icing on an already very tasty cake that was being made (laughs). When we knew the drum change was coming down, the guys in F5 immediately looked at me point blank and said ‘DeGrasso! What are you waiting for? Why haven’t you called him yet?’ (laughs). And when I called him and asked if he wanted to play on the new F5 record he told me ‘Of course I do. I told you you should have called me to play on the first one.’ In my opinion this is one of the best records Jimmy has recorded. I think it’s the best record I’ve ever played on with him. Musically, from a songwriting point of view it’s the best, from a pure showcasing of chops and ability it’s the best record that I’ve worked with him on. We did a record a couple years ago under the name Killing Machine and Jimmy crushed on that one. He and I, we’re a rhythm section monster and it’s been fun to play in a lot of different settings with him.”
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