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 STEVE VAI - Naked Tracks Mini-Site ....

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: STEVE VAI - Naked Tracks Mini-Site ....   STEVE VAI - Naked Tracks Mini-Site .... EmptyMar 16 Sep - 11:15

STEVE VAI - Naked Tracks Mini-Site Up And Running, Five CD Package Due For October Release

STEVE VAI - Naked Tracks Mini-Site .... T96856 As previously reported, back in July guitarist Steve Vai announced the creation of Naked Tracks Vol. 1-5, a series of recording packages that contain mixes of Vai's songs without the lead guitars. They are offered as “play along tracks.” Included are select backing tracks from Passion And Warfare, Sex & Religion, Alien Love Secrets, Fire Garden, The Ultra Zone, Alive In An Ultra World, Real Illusions: Reflections and others.According to Vai's official website Naked Tracks Vol. 1 - 5 are available now for download through your favourite online music retailer. A physical five CD package of Naked Tracks will be available through in October.

Go to this location to check out the Naked Tracks mini-site.

Following are Vai's initial comments on the package:

“Through the years, whenever I would mix my records I would usually do a mix of specific songs without the lead guitar. This allowed me to play along with the track or make loops to jam to, and because I figured perhaps someday maybe others would like to do the same. Voila! We have arrived at someday.

Playing to these naked tracks, or creating loops of various sections, to endlessly meander over, is a phenomenal way to discover unique musical ideas from within yourself.

When we are playing an instrument and our mind enters that exclusive elusive mental real estate of our own personal muse, it can result in a form of musical meditation.

This series of play-along CDs is designed to help create an atmosphere of focus so you can shred yourself into a personally-induced inspirational nirvana.

For the most part, the tracks in this series are presented in their original form with the lead guitar removed. In some cases I looped the solo sections to give you an opportunity to stretch out. I suggest you import these files into a sequencer program of sorts, (ProTools, Band, etc.) and create loops of various parts of the songs to jam over. It’s an excellent way to develop your inner musical ear.

All five disks will be offered together in one package at various retail stores, through, or can be downloaded by various tracks or volumes at any of the online digital stores (such as the iTunes Music Store.)”
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: STEVE VAI - Naked Tracks Mini-Site ....   STEVE VAI - Naked Tracks Mini-Site .... EmptyMar 16 Sep - 11:16

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