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 HELLOWEEN, GAMMA RAY Storm B.B. King Blues Club ...

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

HELLOWEEN, GAMMA RAY Storm B.B. King Blues Club ... Empty
MessageSujet: HELLOWEEN, GAMMA RAY Storm B.B. King Blues Club ...   HELLOWEEN, GAMMA RAY Storm B.B. King Blues Club ... EmptyMar 23 Sep - 21:47

HELLOWEEN, GAMMA RAY Storm B.B. King Blues Club In New York; Setlists, Photos Available

HELLOWEEN, GAMMA RAY Storm B.B. King Blues Club ... T97403 On September 21st, German power metal heroes HELLOWEEN and GAMMA RAY made a stop Monday at B.B. Kings in NYC on the Hellish Rock Tour tour and played to a packed house.

Gamma Ray’s setlist included:
'Into the Storm',
'Heaven Can Wait',
'No World Order',
'Valley Of The Kings',
'Rebellion In Dreamland',
'Heavy Metal Universe',
'Ride The Sky',
'Somewhere Out In Space',
'Send Me A Sign'.

Helloween setlist:
'Crack The Riddle' (intro),
'Sole Survivor',
'March Of Time',
'As Long As I Fall',
'A Tale That Wasn't Right',
Drum Solo,
'Mr. Torture',
'Eagle Fly Free',
'If I Could Fly',
'Paint A New World',
'Dr. Stein',
Medley: ('I Can'/'Where The Rain Grows'/'Perfect Gentleman'/'Power'/'Keeper Of The Seven Keys'),
'Future World' and 'I Want Out' (joined by Kai Hansen and Gamma Ray).

A BW&BK Photo Gallery can be found here.
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