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 UVTV Films Monsters Of Mayhem Tour In Pennsylvania

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

UVTV Films Monsters Of Mayhem Tour In Pennsylvania Empty
MessageSujet: UVTV Films Monsters Of Mayhem Tour In Pennsylvania   UVTV Films Monsters Of Mayhem Tour In Pennsylvania EmptyDim 17 Sep - 15:07

UVTV Films Monsters Of Mayhem Tour In Pennsylvania

Underground Video Television (UVTV) was at the Monsters of Mayhem tour in Allentown, PA at the Croc Rock on Friday, September 8 with arrangements for filming live footage of EXODUS, NAPALM DEATH, and headliners HATEBREED. During the show Exodus bassist Jack Gibson told the UVTV crew stories of tour bus driving expertise in Europe and hoped his hair looked good in the footage. Rob Dukes, Exodus vocalist, asked if his stage dive into the mosh pit was captured on tape. You can read the full Monsters of Mayhem show report and review on the UVTV blogs here . Exclusive live footage from this event will be available on the UVTV website in the future. For more information about UVTV visit this location.
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UVTV Films Monsters Of Mayhem Tour In Pennsylvania
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