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 38 Special

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: 38 Special   38 Special EmptyDim 17 Sep - 15:26

38 SPECIAL Singer Sidelined With Ongoing Health Issue
38 Special 50883wy6

Launch Radio Networks has issued the following report from Bruce Simon

.38 SPECIAL is playing shows for the immediate future without founding member Donnie Van Zant, who's home dealing with some ongoing health issues. Van Zant has been on blood-thinning medication since he developed blood clots in his lungs last year, and the treatment caused him to experience some serious complications recently. Doctors ordered Van Zant to stay home while his body recovers from the drug, and they're also monitoring him to come up with a new treatment plan, so that the original blood clots don't return.

Van Zant cannot travel for the time being, and he's not expected back with the band until next Wednesday (September 20th) at the earliest. The group will continue on in his absence, as they've done in the past, with singer-guitarist Don Barnes handling all lead vocals. According to a message posted to the .38 Special mailing list, "Donnie sends his thanks for your thoughts and prayers, and is already chomping at the bit wanting to get out there and perform for everyone."

.38 Special played last night (Sunday, September 10th) in North Haven, Connecticut, and their next date is Saturday (September 16th) in Suttons Bay, Michigan.
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