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 Tramp's White Lion

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Tramp's White Lion Empty
MessageSujet: Tramp's White Lion   Tramp's White Lion EmptyLun 31 Juil - 20:37

Mike Tramp va finalement retenter l'aventure avec Tramp's White Lion pour une tournée européenne cet hiver et prévoit même d'enregistrer un nouvel album !
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Tramp's White Lion Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tramp's White Lion   Tramp's White Lion EmptyMer 6 Sep - 0:39

Mike Tramp Giving TRAMP'S WHITE LION
"A Second Shot"
Tramp's White Lion 50496ky1

Mike Tramp (TRAMP'S WHITE LION, ex-WHITE LION) has issued the following update:

"After much thought and consideration, I have decided to give Tramp's White Lion a second shot and make it a good one. I never felt good about giving up after our last agent messed up our plans for 2006 and we were left with nothing. So together with your many requests and the band wanting to do it, we’re already off and running and this time will be taking it one step further!

Yes I/we have decided to record an album of all new TWL songs. Without promising too much, this is something we hope will be released sometime in April/May next year.

It’s funny how it all started. As you well know I have been working on a new solo album for a long time, but started finding myself a bit lost as I was progressing. One of the problems was that the album was getting too heavy and it was something I never set out to do. Ever since I recorded Capricorn in 1996 I have wanted to go far away from the White Lion and FREAK OF NATURE sounds. But as the live shows started featuring songs from both bands, my solo songs started getting back into the White Lion/Freak Of Nature sound again.

How many times have I said that MIKE TRAMP is MIKE TRAMP, not White Lion or Freak Of Nature? Still I never stuck to it, feeling that people still want to hear the old songs. Well now that has solved itself.

Tramp's White Lion, or WHITE LION II as I aim to call it, will play the songs of White Lion and what will come from the new album. The album will be the heavier side of me without compromise, leaving me to now soar free and higher in the direction I have always wanted to be as a solo artist.

You might not believe it, but this is a heavy burden lifted off my shoulders as I hate to be confused when it comes to where I am going with my music. I am very excited to record the next White Lion album and from the songs already in the box, I know it will not disappoint the fans.

The band will do a small tour of Europe in November-December so check out the tour dates as they get confirmed. We are not able to cover everywhere this time due to many reasons, but the goal is to be back sooner than later and reach as many of you as possible."
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