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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: PRIMAL FEAR   PRIMAL FEAR EmptyJeu 6 Nov - 23:34

The start of the SINNER tour is coming closer and we will meet on Sunday for the last preparations and drive together to Spain to play the first show in Barcelona on Tuesday!
Everything is prepared so far. Great crew, great guys on board and a nice setlist, based on a lot of new Crash & Burn songs and of course some classic tracks plus some surprises! I'm looking forward to rock again with 'The Fabolous Sinner Four' ;-) - we've added a special guest band to the tour - GUN BARREL will open the shows and be there when they start their set - cool band!

PRIMAL FEAR 16.6 - we've cut the Primal Fear song list for the 16.6 recordings from 20 to 15 songs last weekend, as we played the final shows of the year. Thanks to Hammerfall's Joacim for inviting us and the guys & promoters in Switzerland - cool show!
Back to the 16.6 songs .... it will be a heavy decision which final 12 songs we will record for the new album! We're all so excited of the material, that we could record easily a double album! But anyway, we have to make our decision soon. We will finally start tracking the drums, on November 26th @ The House Of Music studios near Stuttgart, with engineers Dennis Ward and Achim Koehler. We're already talking to the promoters in various territories about the next world tour and some very special events in 2009 in support of the 16.6. release!


MY FINAL DAY - we've recorded some more vocals on the songs and the project is shaping up fantastic - wow, to be honest I'm really excited and I had the same kinda feeling as we started Primal Fear in'98. We're working on some more vocal lines these days and we will go back to finish the vocals all 3 singers in January incl. Nena's lines and our new guy Timo from Mindead. Later maestro Alex Scholpp has to record some crazy lead guitars and Martin has to finalize his drums, before we can mix the first five songs and present the soundtrack to the public!

VOODOO CIRCLE release dates are finalized now: Japan Nov. 22nd (King Records) - Germany Dec. 5th, RO Europe Dec. 7th (AFM Records) - expect some acivities from Voodoo Circle to be announced soon!

I'm working on a brandnew look for my Website and make it even more crazy and easier to communicate. I hope I can publish the brand new MatSinner.Com page in December! At the moment, I can highly reccomend the new HINDER album "Take It To The Limit" and I'm still listening a lot to the new Shinedown album. Just finished reading another killer book by my favorite Jean-Christophe Grange called "Flight of the Storks" and I will start reading Nick Hornby's "A Long Way Down" (thanks :-) - that's my update for today - enjoy your life!

Hope to see you all on tour during the next days, some chats & some drinks!
Rock'n Roll
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