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 HALF THE WORLD photos...

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

HALF THE WORLD photos... Empty
MessageSujet: HALF THE WORLD photos...   HALF THE WORLD photos... EmptySam 8 Nov - 12:17

Thanks Again! Record Release show photos!

We personally wanted to thank all of you that came out on Halloween night to the Knitting Factory and had a blast celebrating the release of our new CD "The Death Defying Years." It was probably our greatest show ever! And what was cool is it was filmed for video & DVD use! More on that later. But for now you can check out and comment on the killer show pics in our pic section or
if ya want to see the non-compressed versions with all the photos in gallery format go to:

HALF THE WORLD photos... L_8ed40b2a89d945fd9525aef2151b85c1

HALF THE WORLD photos... L_55a65035391448a1acbcb58494174ccf

HALF THE WORLD photos... L_ad96677732dd40e9a761d3cc02226015

HALF THE WORLD photos... L_59c0267d6f064e659eb61e44ff8b41e0
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HALF THE WORLD photos...
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