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 STUCK MOJO - Live Pictures From European Tour

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

STUCK MOJO - Live Pictures From European Tour Empty
MessageSujet: STUCK MOJO - Live Pictures From European Tour   STUCK MOJO - Live Pictures From European Tour EmptyJeu 13 Nov - 18:53

STUCK MOJO - Live Pictures From European Tour Available

STUCK MOJO - Live Pictures From European Tour T100759 STUCK MOJO have posted pictures from their recent European tour and shots from the Support The Troops Rally at the University of North Carolina in summer 2007 on their official MySpace page. Go to this location to check them out.

The band recently issued the following update:

"The live concert at the Paradiso Main Hall in Amsterdam, October 9th is now archived.

There were some issues with the servers at the beginning of the live stream because of massive traffic so for those who missed part of the show, here it is in its entirety!"

As previously reported, on November 28th, Napalm Records will release the new The Great Revival. It will contain the following 12 songs: 'Worshipping A False God', '15 Minutes Of Fame', 'Friends', 'The Flood', 'Now That You're All Alone', 'There's A Doctor in Town', 'The Fear', 'There's A Miracle Comin', 'Country Road', 'Invincible', 'Superstar Part 1 (The Journey Begins)', 'Superstar Part 2 (The World Of Egos And Thieves)'.

Check out the lyrics for 'Now That You're All Alone' and '15 Minutes' at here.
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