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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: YNGWIE MALMSTEEN   YNGWIE MALMSTEEN EmptySam 29 Nov - 3:12

YNGWIE MALMSTEEN Master Built Stratocaster Unveiled

YNGWIE MALMSTEEN 101568 is reporting:

Fender’s Custom Shop has come out with a master built exact replica of YNGWIE MALMSTEEN’s infamous Play Loud guitar.

The original guitar was the one he brought with him when on his first trip to America and has been a stalwart of his live and recorded performances ever since.

Master builder John Cruz has put meticulous detail into replicating each scratch that Malmsteen has given it since he bought it in Sweden in 1979.

For the guitar-nerds amongst you, the guitar features "DiMarzio HS-3 pickups in the bridge and neck positions and a standard Fender ’70s-era middle pickup, with a standard fender bridge, a large headstock and a battered Olympic White finish expertly treated to mirror each of the original guitar’s many battle scars-the nicks, dings, scratches, burns and worn finish spots from decades of heavy use and abuse in Malmsteen’s masterful hands.”

Check it out at your local Fender dealer, but beware, being a master built strat, expect to be coughing up the big bucks... and if you can afford it, remember what Malmsteen said: “The louder it is, the better it’s going to sound.”

The guitar will be available from Friday, November 28.
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