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 trans-siberian orchestra

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: trans-siberian orchestra   trans-siberian orchestra EmptyDim 30 Nov - 15:09

TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA Guitarist ANGUS CLARK Gearing Up To Release New Solo Instrumental Album; Audio Samples Online

trans-siberian orchestra 101814

Picture by Norm Hall

TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA guitarist Angus Clark is gearing up for the release of his new solo instrumental album, Your Last Battlefield. Three audio samples are currently streaming on his official MySpace page. The tracks 'Festival', 'The Dohlman's Tears' (featuring TSO violinist Anna Phoebe) and 'Phoenix Hotel' are available here.

Clark collaborated with Anna Phoebe on her 2006 EP, Gypsy. The track 'Phoenix Hotel' originally appeared on the EP and has be re-recorded as a guitar version for Your Last Battlefield. More details of the release will be available soon.

View Trans-Siberian Orchestra's tour itinerary at this location.

A clip of Phoebe and Clark performing the track '99 Lives' from the Gypsy EP is available below.

'99 Lives'

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