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 Ted de faires ses 60 piges ce WE (samedi)

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Ted de faires ses 60 piges ce WE (samedi) Empty
MessageSujet: Ted de faires ses 60 piges ce WE (samedi)   Ted de faires ses 60 piges ce WE (samedi) EmptySam 13 Déc - 1:50

Ted de faires ses 60 piges ce WE (samedi), un bon anniv par avance !

Legendary rocker Ted Nugent will celebrate his 60th birthday this Saturday, December 13. He says of the occasion, "The Nugent family will gather around a glowing, Texas spirit campfire, celebrating my wonderful, outrageous 60-year American Dream, so far. The best rocking tour and best hunting season of my life took place at the age of 59, and all indicators are that the 60th year will be even more ferocious and enjoyable. My happy cup runneth over. And so does my buck pole."

Eagle Rock Entertainment has set a February 3 release date for a "Ted Nugent Re-Release Extravaganza" consisting of six CDs. A press release description of the reissues reads as follows: "The soundtrack to Ted Nugent's life is the sound of a hard, fast, raging guitar. That's the way it was when Ted was a teenager in THE AMBOY DUKES putting the unforgettable riff to 'Journey To The Center Of Your Mind', that's the way it is today. This massive re-release of six of the albums that put the Nuge on the map includes: 'Full Bluntal Nugity', 'Nugent', 'Penetrator', 'Little Miss Dangerous', 'If You Can't Lick 'Em…Lick 'Em' and 'Spirit Of The Wild' [retail sales price $9.98 each, $11.98 for 'Full Bluntal', a live album of Nugent with Marco Mendoza and Tommy Aldridge]."

Ted Nugent recently launched his latest assault onto the New York Times bestseller list as his book "Ted, White, And Blue: The Nugent Manifesto" entered the Top 10 at No. 8. This marked the fiercely independent rock legend's second time charting on the New York Times bestseller list, a spot he achieved with "God, Guns, and Rock 'n' Roll" (2000). Ted's other successful books include "Kill It and Grill It", "Blood Trails: The Truth About Bowhunting" and "Blood Trails II".

Released on October 6 via Regnery Publishing, "Ted, White & Blue: The Nugent Manifesto" features 10 chapters on how to fix America. What is Ted's manifesto? "That logic, honesty, goodwill and decency will guide a person to a quality of life — and that if a wild guitar player like me can be an asset to self, family, community, country, mankind and the good earth, nobody has an excuse to be a liability," says Ted. "Doing the right thing is ridiculously easy and always much more satisfying."
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