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 Metal Hammer Party In Athens 2008

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Metal Hammer Party In Athens 2008 Empty
MessageSujet: Metal Hammer Party In Athens 2008   Metal Hammer Party In Athens 2008 EmptyDim 14 Déc - 1:16

Members Of FIREWIND, ROTTING CHRIST, TIAMAT And PAIN OF SALVATION To Attend Metal Hammer Party In Athens, Greece
Metal Hammer Party In Athens 2008 102803

On December 19th, FIREWIND guitarist Gus G., ROTTING CHRIST frontman Sakis, TIAMAT's Johan Edlund and PAIN OF SALVATION's Daniel Gildenlow will be in attendance at a Metal Hammer party in Athens, Greece. It will take place at Gagarin 205 and the party will begin at 11:00pm

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Metal Hammer Party In Athens 2008
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