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 PINK FLOYD - Official Syd Barrett Website Launched

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

PINK FLOYD - Official Syd Barrett Website Launched Empty
MessageSujet: PINK FLOYD - Official Syd Barrett Website Launched   PINK FLOYD - Official Syd Barrett Website Launched EmptySam 20 Déc - 1:28

PINK FLOYD - Official Syd Barrett Website Launched

PINK FLOYD - Official Syd Barrett Website Launched 103262

According to PINK FLOYD fan-site, newly launched is a wonderful official website for founding member of Pink Floyd, Syd Barrett. It is a celebration of his life and work, covering not just his music, but with a strong focus on his major passion which spanned his whole life - art. The site includes a news section, a biography, discography, and a webstore which features some newly created t-shirts that are bound to be extremely popular. The main attraction of the site for many though is the gallery, split into Syd's artworks, and photos of Syd. The former displays some seventeen fascinating images, some only seen at the recent exhibition as part of The City Wakes, and the latter has twelve pictures of Syd on his own, and with the rest of the Floyd.
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PINK FLOYD - Official Syd Barrett Website Launched
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