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 FIREWIND tour 2009

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

FIREWIND tour 2009 Empty
MessageSujet: FIREWIND tour 2009   FIREWIND tour 2009 EmptyJeu 1 Jan - 22:53

FIREWIND Gearing Up For Shows In Greece And Bulgaria, Update 2009 Festival Schedule

FIREWIND tour 2009 103817

FIREWIND guitarist Gus G. has checked in with the following update:

"Firewind want to wish all their friends, fans and business partners a Happy New Year!! We're more than excited to start the new year with two big shows in our country and our neighbour country, Bulgaria! Also, our hometown show in Thessaloniki marks the one year celebration after the succesfull DVD shoot which took place January 12, 2008 in that very same venue - Principal Club Theater!

We're looking forward to bringing the party to Thessaloniki, Athens and Sofia. See you next week!"

The band's schedule for next week is as follows:

9 - Sofia, Bugaria - Blue Box Club
10 - Thessaloniki, Greece - Principal Club Theater
11 - Athens, Greece - Gagarin 205

In addition, Firewind have confirmed the following festival shows for 2009, with more due to be announced soon.

21 - London, UK - Hellfire Festival (Islington Academy)

29-31 - Gelsenkirchen, Germany - Rock Hard Festival

14 - Dinkelsbuhl, Germany - Summer Breeze Festival
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