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 M.ILL.ION Announce Rock Over Munich Festival

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

M.ILL.ION Announce Rock Over Munich Festival Empty
MessageSujet: M.ILL.ION Announce Rock Over Munich Festival   M.ILL.ION Announce Rock Over Munich Festival EmptyVen 2 Jan - 19:57

M.ILL.ION Announce Rock Over Munich Festival Appearance

M.ILL.ION Announce Rock Over Munich Festival 103867

Swedish melodic rockers M.ILL.ION have confirmed their appearance at the upcoming Rock Over Munich festival, taking place at Metropolis in Munich, Germany on January 31st.

Acts in the bill for the festival: TREAT, STAGE DOLLS, DOMINOE, M.ILL.ION and DARK SKY.

Tickets are available here and here (for Germany). More festival details here.
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M.ILL.ION Announce Rock Over Munich Festival
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