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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: TODD RUNDGREN -   TODD RUNDGREN - EmptyLun 5 Jan - 14:53

TODD RUNDGREN - "I Returned To A Guitar Oriented Presentation; It Is Fun To Get Up There And Noodle Away"

TODD RUNDGREN - T104007 Classic Rock Revisited recently spoke with singer/songwriter/producer Todd Rundrgren about his new album, Arena. An excerpt from the interview is available below.

Todd Rundgren has returned to his 1970's roots with the release of his new album, Arena. The music is guitar oriented and rocks hard and loud. We have not seen this side of Rundgren in some time. Perhaps it was his recent tour with The New Cars that got Todd’s wheels turning. Whatever the reason, it worked. Arena is his strongest solo album since his Utopia heyday. At the end of the day, it is obvious Rundgren is both a creative and an academic genius. His answers are well articulated and thought provoking. Suffice it to say this is not so much an interview about new music as it is about the process of writing, producing and recording music—something Rundgren knows as much about as anyone on the planet.

Jeb: The new album is a return to rock.

Todd: "I planned it that way. I have been touring with a guitar quartet. I have been playing with larger configurations with THE NEW CARS or my own band. I have, now, returned to an approach that I was more noted for in the '70s. My audience responded well to that. It is a nostalgia thing, I suppose. So, I returned to a guitar oriented presentation. It is fun to get up there and noodle away, so I decided to stick with it. When I got around to doing a new record, I knew it was going to be a guitar-oriented record."

Jeb: Did playing with The New Cars get your creative juices flowing toward rock music?

Todd: "A lot of it was feedback I got from the audience when I was performing within this guise. We were getting a terrific response and my conviction is that a lot of people became fans when I was fronting UTOPIA, as the lead singer and lead guitar player. When I started doing a lot of the older, guitar oriented material, the audience response indicated that people still had affection for that approach and may want to hear some new music in that style."

Go to this location for the complete interview.
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