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 THE NEW BLACK - Limited Edition Of Debut Album

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: THE NEW BLACK - Limited Edition Of Debut Album   THE NEW BLACK - Limited Edition Of Debut Album EmptyVen 9 Jan - 1:41

THE NEW BLACK - Limited Edition Of Debut Album To Feature Two Bonus Tracks

THE NEW BLACK - Limited Edition Of Debut Album 104307

Germany's THE NEW BLACK have issued the following update:

"Dear Blackies and Blackettes!

We've been talking about Jan 23rd for a while now, because that's the release date of our debut album, The New Black. (Or 26th for Europe outside of Germany, rest of world to follow).

What we haven't told you, is what's actually going to be on there. So just to let you know,
here's the tracklist:
'Why I Burn',
'Coming Home',
'More Than A Man',
'50 Ways To Love Your Liver',
'Ballad Of Broken Angels',
'Not Me',
'Superman Without A Town',
'The Man Who Saw The Universe',
'Love Is Blue' (Limited First Edition Bonus Track),
'Drive' (Limited First Edition Bonus Track),
'Welcome To Point Black',

That's our baby! And we're proud. And you should get the limited first edition with the two bonus tracks in a kickass Digipak. 'Drive' turned into one of our favorites lately, and 'Love Is Blue' is a cover of a tune from Fludid's old band MOTION CONTROL FOUNDATION. We blackified it (can you say that?) and stuck a MAIDEN harmony part in there for good measure. Never hurts, right?

Over the weekend, we'll hope to get you more music to listen to until Jan 23rd, and maybe even something to look at.

It's on, brothers and sisters, it's on! Thanks for listening. Expect to be rocked."

Flu, Fabs, Leimsen, Günt, Chris a.k.a.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

THE NEW BLACK - Limited Edition Of Debut Album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: THE NEW BLACK - Limited Edition Of Debut Album   THE NEW BLACK - Limited Edition Of Debut Album EmptyVen 9 Jan - 2:10

THE NEW BLACK - Limited Edition Of Debut Album The_new_black_121_72dpi_20x30_srgb

Dear Blackies and Blackettes, hi bru_dall

We've been talking about Jan 23rd for a while now, because that's the release date of our debut album "The New Black". (Or 26th for Europe outside of Germany, rest of world to follow).
What we haven't told you, is what's actually going to be on there. So just to let you know, here's the tracklist:


1. Everlasting
2. Why I Burn
3. Coming Home

4. More Than A Man
5. Simplify
6. 50 Ways To Love Your Liver
7. Ballad Of Broken Angels
8. Not Me
9. Superman Without A Town
10. The Man Who Saw The Universe
11. Love Is Blue [Limited First Edition Bonus Track]
12. Drive [Limited First Edition Bonus Track]
13. Welcome To Point Black
14. Wound

That's our baby! And we're proud. And you should get the limited first edition with the two bonustracks in a kickass Digipak. 'Drive' turned into one of our favorites lately, and 'Love Is Blue' is a cover of tune from Fludid's old band
Motion Control Foundation, We blackified it (can you say that?) and stuck a Maiden harmony part in there for good measure. Never hurts, right?

Just in case you missed the cover - here it is:

THE NEW BLACK - Limited Edition Of Debut Album TNB%20COVER%20-%20FINAL

Oh, and have you seen our cool new pics done by Axel Jusseit? This is one of our favorites:

THE NEW BLACK - Limited Edition Of Debut Album The_new_black_121_72dpi_20x30_srgb

Over the weekend, we'll hope to get you more music to listen to until Jan 23rd, and maybe even something to look at...

It's on, brothers and sisters, it's on! Thanks for listening. Expect to be rocked.

Flu, Fabs, Leimsen, Günt, Chris a.k.a.

Upcoming Shows for THE NEW BLACK
01/29/2009 08:00 PMBremen, DEPier 2
01/30/2009 08:00 PMLeipzig, DEWerk II
02/01/2009 08:00 PMWörgl, ATKomma
02/06/2009 08:00 PMEsslingen, DEKOMMA
02/07/2009 08:00 PMPassau, DEzeughaus
02/08/2009 08:00 PMGraz, ATOrpheum
02/27/2009 08:00 PMArnsberg Oeventrop, DEWinternachtstraum Festival
04/17/2009 08:00 PMPaderborn, 97280, DEMetal Inferno FESTIVAL
08/21/2009 08:00 PMDettelbach, DEROCK MANIA FESTIVAL

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

THE NEW BLACK - Limited Edition Of Debut Album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: THE NEW BLACK - Limited Edition Of Debut Album   THE NEW BLACK - Limited Edition Of Debut Album EmptyLun 19 Jan - 15:52

le trailer de l'album vient de sortir
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

THE NEW BLACK - Limited Edition Of Debut Album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: THE NEW BLACK - Limited Edition Of Debut Album   THE NEW BLACK - Limited Edition Of Debut Album EmptyLun 19 Jan - 15:53

sortie le 23/01 et un titre en download gratuit :

Dear Blackies and Blackettes!

One week until left until our debut album "The New Black" hits the stores on Jan23rd (or Jan 26th in other parts of Europe)! So we have something for you. Two things, actually...


Get our first single "Everlasting" as a free download! Yes, the full song! For free! And it's a healthy little stomper...

Get it here:
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