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 AEROSMITH Singer Steven Tyler Talks

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: AEROSMITH Singer Steven Tyler Talks   AEROSMITH Singer Steven Tyler Talks EmptyDim 11 Jan - 2:33

AEROSMITH Singer Steven Tyler Talks About Sexual Exploits In New Interview

AEROSMITH Singer Steven Tyler Talks 104424 spoke to AEROSMITH singer Steven Tyler recently about a number of topics. A few excerpts from the chat follow: : What can you tell me about your first sexual experience?

Tyler: "It was at the age of seven with twins." : Where does a boy go to find naughty prepubescent twins?

Tyler: "They sat next to me in the church choir. They were French." : At that age, I can’t imagine you got the full ménage à trois.

Tyler: "They took me home one day, and we had a you-show-me-yours-I’ll-show-you-mine session. Isn’t that great? You know, I look at their pictures now and think to myself, How much sweeter does it get? And isn’t it crazy that my ex-wife Teresa was a twin and my girlfriend now is a twin?" : When you and Joe competed for women, who won?

Tyler: "Well, we didn’t compete, but we did share. And the crabs won." : In Walk This Way, the oral history of Aerosmith, the band’s engineer, Rabbit Hansen, said that band members weren’t to accept oral sex for the last 10 days of tour so as not to spread venereal diseases to girlfriends at home.

Tyler: "That wasn’t the band’s rule. You didn’t have sex for 10 days at the end of tour, but that was so you’d be sure to go home with a full cup of chowder. If you didn’t, you were definitely suspect."

Read more here.

(Photo: Melissa Mahoney)
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