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 RUSH - Geddy, Alex On That Metal Show...

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

RUSH - Geddy, Alex On That Metal Show... Empty
MessageSujet: RUSH - Geddy, Alex On That Metal Show...   RUSH - Geddy, Alex On That Metal Show... EmptyDim 11 Jan - 2:52

RUSH - Geddy, Alex On That Metal Show; Extra Bonus Videos Online

RUSH's Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson were guests on the December 27th episode of That Metal Show on VH1 Classic. The show is a hard rock and heavy metal themed talk show hosted by DJ Eddie Trunk. Geddy and Alex appeared on the 7th and final episode of the show's inaugural season (outside of last week's best of show). If you missed the show you can watch the entire thing on the VH1 Classic website at this link here. VH1 Classic recently posted several extra bonus videos from season 1 on their website including 4 1-minute videos with Geddy and Alex. Here they are:

Rush: Neil Rides Bike
Rush: Girls At Shows
Rush On Opening for KISS
Rush On Touring Europe

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RUSH - Geddy, Alex On That Metal Show...
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