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 Metal Fest II In San Antonio

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Metal Fest II In San Antonio Empty
MessageSujet: Metal Fest II In San Antonio   Metal Fest II In San Antonio EmptyDim 11 Jan - 14:27

JAG PANZER, KRUCIBLE, HALCYON WAY, SACRED DAWN Confirmed For Nightmare Metal Fest II In San Antonio

Metal Fest II In San Antonio 104436

Organizers of the 2009 Nightmare Metal Fest have issued the following update:

"Come join the underground Prog/Power Metal revolution! Nightmare Metal Fest II will be held this year in San Antonio, Texas on Friday, March 20th and Saturday, March 21st. We’re very excited to announce in its second year, Nightmare Metal Fest, will take place at The Warehouse music venue right on the River Walk in San Antonio.

We are going to have a stellar lineup and are proud to announce the first confirmations: the prolific JAG PANZER, Chicago based MINDWARP CHAMBER, KRUCIBLE (featuring members of PYRAMAZE/BALANCE OF POWER, HELSTAR, Z-LOT-Z, SIXMINUTE CENTURY) on the heals of their newly released debut album 'a Manifesto for Domination' HALCYON WAY, a return performance from SACRED DAWN."

For more info visit this location.
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