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 HELLHOUND - Picture Gallery From European Festival Shows

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: HELLHOUND - Picture Gallery From European Festival Shows   HELLHOUND - Picture Gallery From European Festival Shows EmptyDim 11 Jan - 15:01

HELLHOUND - Picture Gallery From European Festival Shows Updated

HELLHOUND - Picture Gallery From European Festival Shows 104445

Japanese old school thrashers HELLHOUND have posted more pictures from their November 15th, 2008 show at the Keep It True Festival XI in Würzburg, Germany and their November 16th, 2008 show in Laigneville, France. Go to this location to check them out.

As previously reported, Hellhound will release their new album, Metal Fire From Hell, in North America in 2009. They have issued the following update:

"We proudly annouce our second album, Metal Fire From Hell, will be released in Europe by Inferno Records (France) and in the US, Canada and Mexico by Planet Metal (US) on March 2nd, 2009. You can get your copy of the album easily in your territories after then.

To labels in Asia (except Japan) and/or Mid-South American (except Mexico) countries, the Metal Fire From Hell album is still available in your territories for license. If you are interested in licensing the album, please make a contact to Black-listed Productions: blp@black-listed."

The tracklist of Metal Fire From Hell is as follows: 'Metal Fire From Hell', 'Headcrusher', 'Heavy Metal Highway', 'Heavy Metal Education', 'Metal Psycho', 'Change The World', 'Too Wild To Tame', 'Warriors Of Rising Sun'.

(Photo by Gerrie Lemmens)
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