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 Guitar Hero III First Ever Game to Sell $1 Billion

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Guitar Hero III First Ever Game to Sell $1 Billion Empty
MessageSujet: Guitar Hero III First Ever Game to Sell $1 Billion   Guitar Hero III First Ever Game to Sell $1 Billion EmptyLun 12 Jan - 13:51

Guitar Hero III First Ever Game to Sell $1 Billion

James Brightman from is reporting:

Roughly one year ago, Activision proudly announced that the Guitar Hero franchise had surpassed $1 billion in North American revenues (a feat accomplished in just 26 months). Now Guitar Hero has reached another important milestone, as Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock has become the first ever game to generate $1 billion in sales.

The news came from Activision Publishing CEO Mike Griffith during his keynote address at CES. Griffith also noted how the video game industry has had a profound effect on other entertainment sectors, and that Guitar Hero in particular has been hugely important to the music industry. For example, in its first week, Guitar Hero: Aerosmith sold over three times as many units as Aerosmith's last studio album. Furthermore, he cited Nielsen SoundScan data, which showed that artists whose music was playable in Guitar Hero had seen download sales increase 15-843%.

"Music has a history of evolving through technology and we are at the beginning of the latest chapter in that story," he said, as quoted by the BBC.

Read more here.
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Guitar Hero III First Ever Game to Sell $1 Billion
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