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 Organizers "Pushing Hard" To Confirm METALLICA

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Organizers "Pushing Hard" To Confirm METALLICA Empty
MessageSujet: Organizers "Pushing Hard" To Confirm METALLICA   Organizers "Pushing Hard" To Confirm METALLICA EmptyLun 19 Jan - 19:33

Organizers "Pushing Hard" To Confirm METALLICA For Knebworth is reporting:

Plans to host a massive summer rock festival at Knebworth remain on track, the WHT has learned.

In November, we reported American metal giants METALLICA were rumoured to be headlining a new rock festival, to take place at the stately home in July, writes Chris Richards.

And on Thursday, Knebworth House's managing director Martha Lytton-Cobbold said that discussions to secure the band were ongoing.

Speaking exclusively to the WHT, she said: "I have nothing confirmed at this stage," but added: "I would love them [Metallica] to come and I am pushing very hard [to get them]."

If confirmed, the event would provide competition to the Download festival, which takes place at Donington from June 12 to 14.
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