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 Original Rock Tees Available At New Online Store Saltyrockz.

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Original Rock Tees Available At New Online Store Saltyrockz. Empty
MessageSujet: Original Rock Tees Available At New Online Store Saltyrockz.   Original Rock Tees Available At New Online Store Saltyrockz. EmptyMar 20 Jan - 0:37

Original Rock Tees Available At New Online Store

Original Rock Tees Available At New Online Store Saltyrockz. T105034 BW&BK has received the following:

Today's sharpest-dressed rock and roll men are wearing rock tees from brand new online store

The website was launched in January of this year by Howard Johnson, who was one of the top rock journos for legendary UK mag Kerrang! back in its '80s heyday! Nepotism? Probably, but the shirts - which feature band images, rock and roll slogans and cool rock designs - are way cool, so what the hell?

"I have really fond memories of being in Canada," says HoJo. "I was actually arrested by the cops the first time I was over in Toronto, aged 19, for drinking on the street. I was so naive I didn't even know you couldn't do it!"

"Luckily I was staying with Lips from ANVIL and somehow he bailed me out - probably because he was such an upstanding citizen! When I launched Saltyrockz I simply had to get him a 'Maple Leaf Mayhem' tee shirt to thank him for saving my ass all those years ago!"

You can see which other rock stars are sporting Saltyrockz gear and check out the full range of original tee shirts at
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Original Rock Tees Available At New Online Store Saltyrockz.
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