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 Reformation Mr Big

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Reformation Mr Big Empty
MessageSujet: Reformation Mr Big   Reformation Mr Big EmptyLun 2 Fév - 3:30

According to Random Chatter Music, the original lineup of the acclaimed American hard rock supergroup MR. BIG, which disbanded in 2002, will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the release of its debut album by reforming for a tour of Japan. Eric Martin (vocals), Billy Sheehan (bass), Paul Gilbert (guitar) and Pat Torpey (drums) confirmed their reunion plans to DJ Koh Sakai of the Japanese radio program "Heavy Metal Syndicate". Gilbert reportedly said in a pre-recorded message, "MR. BIG is back together, all original members, and we're coming to Japan to play live. So, come check it out, and rock with us. Yeah!"
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