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 Deathstars Metal Expo in Helsinki

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Deathstars Metal Expo in Helsinki Empty
MessageSujet: Deathstars Metal Expo in Helsinki   Deathstars Metal Expo in Helsinki EmptyMar 17 Fév - 22:05

Metal Expo in Helsinki
Copenhagen – Helsinki – Berlin. Tour? No Detour!!!
Ahhh… After a wild party in Copenhagen and two hours sleep we arrived at the airport. Skinny and Whip almost missed the plane because of the bar was much more attractive to them than a morningflight to the land of a thousand lakes. And by the way - why the hell do you want to leave the land of Lego for a land of lakes?
Well, Helsinki is nice and depressing as always – in a positive way. This little city of rock is a nasty place filled with friends of ours. Right now we are missing the guys in 69 Eyes as hell, but we will get this place partying anyway. We love to come here. Tavastia – where we play tonight – is always a cool venue and has been filled with great rock music since way back.
Helsinki is hosting Metal Expo this weekend and tons of bands are performing. It’s a huge business-event, which is pretty problematic for us as we consider ourselves as slaves of that monkey bizz, and all the label-dudes are slavedrivers.
We start at 00.30, which is late for a gig when the deathglammers hardly have slept at all, but as always it is blitzaction, or nothing at all – and we choose Blitzaction!
Tomorrow we fly off to Berlin for a gig at K17. Auf Wiedersehen.
What the members are doing now:
• Skinny is trying his best to look like a jellyfish and drinking beer.
• Bone and Nightmare are at the hotel.
• Whip is tired as hell, after doing interviews, and watching Sonic Syndicates soundcheck.
• No one knows where Cat is, but proabably very close to a mirror.

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