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 Metal Blade Records Gears Up For 25th Anniversary

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Metal Blade Records Gears Up For 25th Anniversary   Metal Blade Records Gears Up For 25th Anniversary EmptyMar 10 Oct - 0:26

Metal Blade Records Gears Up For 25th Anniversary
Metal Blade Records Gears Up For 25th Anniversary 52695eo8
Metal Blade has issued the following press release:

"2007 is shaping up to be one of Metal Blade’s biggest year’s to date with new releases from KING DIAMOND, SIX FEET UNDER, AS I LAY DYING, THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER, THE RED CHORD, INTO THE MOAT, and our latest group of signings, SHAI HULUD, JOB FOR A COWBOY, and PSYOPUS. 2007 also marks Metal Blade Records 25th year as a record label making it our silver anniversary. To commemorate this monumental occasion Metal Blade will be releasing special editions of some of our classic albums which will include re-mastered recordings, digipak packaging with a bonus DVD that will contain material recorded at the time of the original release, and updated liner notes. The first of these releases will be LIZZY BORDEN’s Master of Disguise which will be out in early 2007. More information on upcoming 25th Year Anniversary releases will be made throughout the next few months so keep an eye on for updates."
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