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 D-A-D To Launch 25th Anniversary Guitar; New Album

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

D-A-D To Launch 25th Anniversary Guitar; New Album Empty
MessageSujet: D-A-D To Launch 25th Anniversary Guitar; New Album   D-A-D To Launch 25th Anniversary Guitar; New Album EmptyVen 26 Sep - 13:01

D-A-D To Launch 25th Anniversary Guitar; New Album Art Revealed

D-A-D To Launch 25th Anniversary Guitar; New Album T97597 The brand new D.A.D 25th anniversary guitar will be launched on Friday, October 10th at Musikhuset Aage Jensen, Åbenrå 3, Copenhagen. The band will be making a special appearance to meet fans and sign the guitars sold on the night. The event begins at 8:00 pm in the evening. A new D-A-D Carl Martin Ill Will limited edition distortion pedal (here) is being released simultaneously. The guitar and pedal cannot be pre-ordered from the AAGE store or webshop before the launch. Customers buying either item will be first in line for meeting the band and getting autographs. D-A-D merchandise will be on sale as well.

As previously reported, True Believer - Torleif Hoppe's long awaited documentary about D.A.D - will open in Danish theaters on October 10th.

D.A.D's new album, Monster Philosophy, is due out November 10th in Europe via EMI.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

D-A-D To Launch 25th Anniversary Guitar; New Album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: D-A-D To Launch 25th Anniversary Guitar; New Album   D-A-D To Launch 25th Anniversary Guitar; New Album EmptyVen 26 Sep - 13:03

D-A-D To Launch 25th Anniversary Guitar; New Album 97597
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

D-A-D To Launch 25th Anniversary Guitar; New Album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: D-A-D To Launch 25th Anniversary Guitar; New Album   D-A-D To Launch 25th Anniversary Guitar; New Album EmptyLun 6 Oct - 1:02

D-A-D - New Single Streaming Online

D-A-D To Launch 25th Anniversary Guitar; New Album T98223 Danish rockers D-A-D have issued the following update:

"Finally! We are proud to reveal the first single 'Monster Philosophy' from the forthcoming album of the same title. We promise that it's still rock'n'roll you can trust! Take a listen at MySpace. The single is on sale digitally in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Japan from tomorrow."

D-A-D's tenth album will be released on November 10th in Europe via EMI.
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