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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: IRON FIRE   IRON FIRE EmptyMar 17 Oct - 18:24

IRON FIRE Guitarist Issue Studio Update
IRON FIRE guitarist J.J. has issued the following studio update:

"Birth of a new opus part. I!

It's been months since you last heard from the IF camp. 'No concerts, no news, no nothing. What's happening?' you might ask yourself. Well, we're in the process of creating the heaviest Iron Fire record to date!

Jens (B.) finished the drum tracks early in September in Earplug Studios in Copenhagen (1/9-5/9). He checked in Thursday to set up his gear, change the drumheads and get the right sound. The first day went as planned, and in the evening Jens finished a real doomsday-like tune 'Dawn Of Victory'. Hopefully it'll blast your ears off!
Saturday went as scheduled, and the entire band (except me, I was laid down with a flu) went to The Rock, Copenhagen's one and only true rock club!, to catch another fine Danish Power Metal act, MANTICORA, in action!
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday went fine (expect some wrong clicktracks on a few songs, which Kirk fixed), and Jens really did a excellent job playing his heart and soul out. Everything was now ready for the recording of the rhythm guitars which Kirk and I recorded in Kirk's home-studio in his flat in Birkerød, a suburb North of Copenhagen.

But first we recorded the album's acoustic song at Earplug Studios. I laid down most of the acoustic guitar tracks, and then, a few weeks later, Kirk added some great guitar parts at the end of the song. Martin got the vocal down and everything really went cool. Lots of fun. Lots of red wine. There will be a guest appearance on this song, and I promise you, it's gonna be really interesting! By the way, did you know how close you can make a box of salt sound like whiskers?

Then it was time for the rhythm guitar. We decided to use a Schenker Diamond Series for the rhythm tracks to make them sound as tight as possible. And it really worked out fine. 'Island Of Damnation' really gave me a rough time. (Be warned all you RUNNING WILD fans out there!). It took me nearly one day to record that piece. And Kirk had to re-record a another song, when he realized that we weren't in tune (muahahahaha!). Nothing more to say about this, really. Kirk would lent me some of his horror movies, by the way, I'd almost forgotten how great Army Of Darkness is. Oh, anyway ... we got the rhythm tracks down, so "the Martins" could begin to lay down vocals and bass. Kirk and I have just begun to record some solos, but you can read much more about that in a couple of weeks!

As for the live news, there are currently no live shows for Iron Fire, not till 2007, but you can vote for us to play at Roskilde Festival ( ) and Sweden Rock Festival ( ). As soon as we know something we'll let you know!

Meanwhile if you live in Copenhagen (or nearby) check Martin Steene (vocals) and Martin Lund's new band, NIGHTLIGHT, playing it's very first concert at The Rock 11th of November. For more information check out and certainly not (oink)!"
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